The connection between humans and pets has always been a subject of fascination and study. Among these creatures, felines, in particular, occupy a special place when it comes to mystery and mysticism. In this sense, a very common question is whether cats absorb negative energy?
The fact is that due to their independent nature and enigmatic behavior, cats are often considered animals that not only perceive, but can also influence the energies around them.
In this context, how can cats’ behavior influence the environment? That’s what we’re going to discuss in this post. Next, learn more about these animals’ sensitivity and discover their relationship with negative energy. Check it out!
Are cats sensitive creatures?
Cats are known for their ability to perceive subtle changes in their environment, which may be indicative of their sensitivity to unseen energies. They have heightened senses and an instinctive perception that seems to go beyond mere response to physical stimuli.
In this sense, a study carried out by Oakland University and published in the journal Animal Cognition revealed that cats are sensitive to human emotions, challenging the belief that they are indifferent when compared to dogs.
Psychologists Moriah Galvan and Jennifer Vonk, authors of the study, studied the interactions of 12 cats with their owners and discovered that felines react differently to expressions of joy and sadness.
When their owners smiled, the cats were more likely to engage in positive behaviors like purring and seeking physical contact, indicating a clear response to the humans’ happiness.
Interestingly, this reaction was specific to owners, as with strangers, cats maintained positive behavior regardless of the emotional expression displayed. These findings suggest that cats can “read” human facial expressions and that they learn this skill over time, associating, for example, smiles from their owners with moments of reward and attention.
What is the relationship between cats and negative energy?
There is a popular belief that cats not only perceive, but also interact with negative energies in the environment. This is because in many cultures, they are seen as spiritual protectors who purify the environment of bad vibes and evil spirits.
The belief is that they have the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy or, at least, to neutralize it.
Is it true that cats absorb negative energy?
While there is no solid scientific basis to claim that cats can literally absorb negative energy, many owners report experiences that support this theory.
There are also common anecdotes about cats approaching sick or distressed people, offering comfort and presence. This may not be a literal absorption of energy, but rather a reflection of their ability to respond to emotional stimuli.
How can you tell if your cat is absorbing negative energy?
The influence of cats on negative energy can manifest itself in different ways, see:
- seek isolation — cats that are normally sociable may seek out secluded places to rest;
- changes in appetite — loss of appetite can be a sign that they are feeling the weight of the energies around them;
- changes in sleep patterns — more hours of sleep or restlessness during the night may indicate discomfort related to energies;
- meow more frequently — when they make sounds beyond normal, it may indicate discomfort;
- more needy or affectionate behavior — some cats may seek more physical contact as a way to find comfort or offer solace.
How do cats help eliminate negative energy?
Cats have several ways of dealing with negative energy:
- purification of the environment — it is believed that the simple fact of a cat being present in a room can purify the energy of the space;
- use of their energy — many owners feel that cats’ purring, for example, has a calming and healing effect, which can help transform negative energies into positive ones.
While the idea that cats absorb negative energy may have more basis in mythological lore and anecdote than science, there’s no denying the positive emotional impact these animals have on humans. With their mysterious presence and affectionate demeanor, these felines certainly bring something unique to their owners’ lives, perhaps even helping to alleviate the tensions of their environment in ways we don’t yet fully understand.