What is the difference between the Golden and Labrador dog breeds?

What is the secret to identifying a dog’s breed? This is a question that many people have, especially those who tend to confuse Golden Retrievers and Labradors. If you are in this group, you will love discovering the best tricks to avoid confusion.


These are two breeds that are highly sought after by owners because of their fun, playful and affectionate personalities. Because they have similar temperaments, people sometimes confuse the physical characteristics of these types of dogs.

It is important to know that Labradors and Golden Retrievers are very different breeds. In this article, we will help you tell them apart. Read the post and learn how to recognize each of these dogs!

Why do people confuse Golden and Labrador?

Of course, it is not the physical characteristics that cause confusion between the Golden Retriever and the Labrador in people’s minds. After all, these two dogs have different body structures, coats and even color.

However, these breeds are not just different from each other. It is probably the similarities in personality that make many people forget what makes a Golden Retriever different from a Labrador .

Both dogs are very docile, which attracts even more people who want to have them as pets. They also love to play with their owners, especially with children.

Labradors and Golden Retrievers are also known for being highly intelligent. This makes them excellent options for guide dogs for people with disabilities, therapy dogs , and rescue dogs.

Another common characteristic among these breeds is obedience. Because they easily follow commands, they are great family dogs and great for protecting homes.

What are the differences between Golden and Labrador?

Now, let’s look at the differences. The more you learn about the characteristics of each of these breeds, the more you’ll realize that they are distinct and not as easy to confuse as many people think.

Below, check out the main points that differentiate the Golden Retriever breed from a Labrador!


One of the most notable differences is the coat. The Golden Retriever is known for its long, fine, golden-toned hair. This means that it requires extra care with daily brushing to prevent it from shedding too much hair .

Labradors have short hair in different colors. This means they don’t require as much maintenance and are easier to care for on a daily basis.


The face and tail of each of these breeds also differ. The Golden Retriever is a dog with an elongated snout and a long tail, with long hair, like a fringe.

The Labrador has a slightly elongated snout, with a wider and more muscular head. Its tail is medium-sized, being thicker at the base near the back, with short hair.


The size of both dogs is similar, being both large dogs, reaching 60 cm in height, on average. However, this is no excuse to confuse them. After all, their body structure is different.

The Labrador is a dog with more visible muscles. For this reason, it has a more robust bust. On the other hand, the Golden Retriever has a thin and slender body structure.


The Golden Retriever can be found in several shades of gold. The Labrador has a greater variety of coat colors, and can take on yellow, black and brown colors.


Both the Labrador and the Golden Retriever are considered large dogs not only because of their height but also because of their weight. Dogs of these breeds tend to weigh, on average, 35 kg when healthy.

Temperament and activity level

Here is one of the characteristics that makes so many people believe that Golden Retrievers and Labradors are the same breed. In fact, their temperament is similar, but there are differences in activity levels.

The Labrador and the Golden Retriever are very friendly, docile and very protective dogs of their owners. Both love to play, are obedient and always willing to please.

However, the Golden Retriever is a dog that will require much more attention from its owners and loves good company. Therefore, it does not like to be alone for long periods of time and is not very restless.

The Labrador is more active in everyday life, although it is also a dog that needs a lot of socialization in its routine. The difference here is that this breed prefers to spend more time playing with its owners than standing next to them.


We’ve already given you a tip about which breed has the most energy, right? Labradors will be more energetic when they’re healthy, but Golden Retrievers aren’t far behind when it comes to energy for walks and play.


The life expectancy of both breeds is similar. The Labrador tends to live 10 to 12 years, while the Golden Retriever has an average lifespan of 10 to 13 years.

It is worth noting that this characteristic is quite particular to the animal. After all, each dog will have its own specific health demands and care necessary for greater longevity.

Is it possible to differentiate between breeds when they are puppies?

You can notice the differences between these breeds even when they are puppies, although they are less expressive. The Golden Retriever, for example, has very expressive eyes when young and droopy ears. In addition, even when young, it has dense fur.

This will not happen with the Labrador. The puppy has short hair and long ears, which extend past the jaw when lying down. In addition, it can have yellow, brown or black fur.

After these tips, does it still seem difficult to find the differences between Golden Retrievers and Labradors? As you can see, both are very intelligent breeds that everyone loves to have at home. After all, they are companions for all hours and never give up a good time having fun with their owners.

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